Monday, July 28, 2008

Mouse on My Mind

July's word of the month: Mouse. Yes, mouse. I cannot escape the mouse anywhere I go.

During the day, he's hiding behind the door, waiting for me to turn the corner and leave him alone with that one little crust of bread. During the night, I know the mouse is there, snooping around, leaving his droppings in my toaster tray. He snubs me. He proves to me that I can't control him and I can't escape him. A drip of pancake batter forgotten on the stove -- it's his! A lone crumb -- his! The dog's bowl with delicious clean water -- his! After a week away, he leaves proof that he's been sitting on my bed, perhaps watching the country day go by, probably sipping iced tea or playing cards. How many tufts of steel wool can I stuff in the cracks? Or globs of expandable foam? He still gets in! I've seen him. He's a peculiar dark color and fast. OK, I know we're sharing a 60 year old country cabin that has been crooked for longer than it was straight. Maybe it's really his house, and he's perturbed that we're there now and we're not getting out! But my nemesis' time is about up. The trap is coming out next week. A little peanut butter, strategic placement, and snap!!!

During the week, it's the other mouse that is controlling my life. The giant mouse. The one I'm basing my future business on -- the one indomitable Mickey Mouse. How much can one possibly learn about visiting the mouse and the myriad of packages and up-sells available to enjoy the mouse? The list goes on and on. I got my graduation ears -- yes, ears! But unlike the other mouse, I love this one. This one is going to help seal my future.

So, I will let the mice continue to preoccupy me for now. At least they're not rats!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Friend? No thanks.

I've been thinking about something that happened to me a few months ago. I reunited with a friend I hadn't seen in quite a while. We were fairly good acquaintances -- not best friends by any means -- but we had quite a bit in common and had known each other and kept in touch for almost eight years.

Anyway, we went out a few times -- and it got more frequent over the past year. We had some amazing conversations about business, life, friendship and love. I had some serious and honest discussions with her. She gave me great feedback and shared much of herself as well. I thought a good friendship was in the making. She seemed to offer me her friendship wholeheartedly -- suggesting we get together for some fun activities, meals, whatever. It all seemed very simple and a nice thing. So, I followed up our last meeting with an e-mail telling her how I enjoyed our blossoming friendship.

The response? Nothing. Not an e-mail. Not a call. Absolutely nothing. (As you read this, you can think of tumbleweeds and whistling winds.) It's been about four months and I still haven't heard a word.

Now, what exactly happened? Did I do something wrong? Did the friendship move too fast? Was I too honest? Did I offer too much of myself? I can't think of anything else. In fact, she was the one making all kinds of suggestions for future activities. Or did she back off for some reason? Was I too much to handle? It was only a simple friendship, for goodness sake!

So, I'm disappointed and maybe a little pissed. But I'm really more confused than anything else. Is this what people do in general? Is it normal for people to do that -- get all close and friendly and then run away? Wasn't my offer of friendship of value to her? I'm actually glad I didn't have the opportunity to get any closer to her. If I would have, then I would have been really disappointed being dropped like that.

I refuse to chase after people, so I may never know what really happened and why she felt my friendship wasn't very valuable.

How on earth can people develop simple friendships if they are going to be dragged along and then ignored? Whatever...