Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Standing Up

So, here I finally am. Standing on my own. I've come full circle. I am content and confident in myself. It's a joyous way to be.

I have been afraid all these years to stand up for myself, afraid that by speaking up, I would be insulting, when in fact I needed to be strong for me and for my family.

I was embarrassed to show how much I have accomplished and what I can do. I wanted to be humble. But being humble doesn't mean hiding your abilities. That is stupidity. I let people believe that they were deserving of more than me. That just wasn't so.

I allowed my glow to fade to help boost someone else's fragile ego. I did it to try and support that person, but all that did was give them fuel with which to hurt me and my family. If I had to give people advice, I would tell people to let themselves shine! Don't feel bad that you have a skill or a talent or an ability. You bestow that talent for a reason -- and that is to show it, not to hide it. Don't be afraid of what people will think. Celebrate who you are. If you are criticized for being confident, you should not associate with those being critical.

True friends raise you up -- help you identify what is so special about you. They don't ask you to step down so they can shine. They celebrate with you. They boast about your accomplishments, not belittle them.

I've been fighting this too long. It's actually been years. I don't have to do it anymore. Because I finally told her, "NO! I will not acknowledge you. I will not entertain your foolishness. I do not need you."

And it's a wonderful feeling.

Thank you to my true friend who has been so patient with me through this mess. You raise me up. I hope I can come close in doing the same for you.


eva said...

I cannot believe it but we wrote the same kind of post on the same day and about the same time... Mine is not as assertive as yours but if you judge it by my usual tone it actually may be considered to be so!
As to the last sentence in your post - of course you do the same for me, you have changed me for the better and I feel more alive and confident than ever thanks to you. You believe in me, you support me, never judge me. Let's shine together, Christine!
One more thing - if your quest to help me achieve this something in my life (you know what) is successful I will always owe you no matter what I will do for you!


Ha. Great minds think alike!

And it's only a matter of time before you achieve everything you wish...