Monday, June 23, 2008

Unexpected Adventures

So I am about to start this fantastic summer. I have always had a sense of adventure at the beginning of the summer. Even just going to the beach or the pool or the country has always been enough to excite me. All the wonderful possibilities are now in front of me. I am so excited to play. This year, I will have the beach and I will have the cabin in the country. But this summer I will have even more....

This summer, I will travel to Poland. I never thought I would ever go to Poland. But here I am, going to visit my dear friend for a week -- in a place where I won't understand a blessed thing. She warns me it might rain all week. Let it rain. I don't care. Let it pour! What matters is that I will be experiencing this new country with my friend. I have this crazy good feeling in the pit of my stomach. I will experience with a fresh eye a country that is filled with layers and layers of her experiences -- childhood, adolescence and adulthood. She will breathe life into what I expect will be lovely, but typical European countryside. I will be the novice now. She will be the one at home. I will be the one in the land that doesn't belong to me. But in the end I will understand her in a way that I could not before. This is not just about exploring this foreign country, but learning about my friend in a way that I never thought I could. I hope her family will like me. I know her mom will. I wish I could talk with her and hear her mom's stories. But that won't really be possible. In any case, we will still play for a week. I can't wait. 44 more days...

Carpe diem.

1 comment:

eva said...

I never thought about it this way but yes, you are right, our roles and places will get inverted a little bit... You will be an outsider. The problem is I am an outsider over there already, too... and still here as well! Obviously, I speak the language and know people there but as I see it now, I always felt a little out of place in my tiny village, and not only there, in most places. Seems to be just my thing. You will definitely be able to see the long way I have traveled in my life, in every dimension possible! I think you may be able to help me see some things as well. Can't wait!