Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Changed My Mind

Well, I’m reading over my last blog entry all about friendship, and I’m realizing that I don’t think I really know what the heck I’m talking about. All this grandiose talk about friends and how to keep them and all that stuff…it’s all B.S. I mean, the ideas are nice, but reality is something else.

The night I wrote it, I was feeling all lovey dovey and just came off of a great event where I spent time with some awesome people. I had also recently made a couple of new friends and was enjoying the glow of that.  

But it’s all B.S., because no matter how I might want to believe this…I cannot predict the actions of other people, how they feel about me or anything else they do. I can only hope that if I put good out there, then good will come back to me. If they want to walk away from me, then what on earth can I do? Nothing.  

So, I revise my statement. Friendship is a crap shoot. You roll your best dice, put a lot of love into the roll….and maybe you’ll come out a winner. And then, maybe not. 

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