Friday, October 31, 2008

On Friends

Life is just a set of relationships linked together by love and trust. Real friendships are rare, unique. They are to be treasured and nurtured -- taken care of like a special delicate bird held gently in the palm of your hand. Calm care ensures the bird won't fly away. Trust ensures that if it does fly, it will fly back to you.

Time is needed in order to learn about the person you are opening your heart to. When time is not taken, one does not show their true reality. They show the outside, their shell, their public persona -- which is usually very different from the person inside. They may say "what you see is what you get" but it is never that simple. Only time allows you to see the truth. In time, someone's true nature will always be shown -- even if it is an ugly nature. And on the flp side, only time...and patience (of which I generally have so little)...will allow that breath of love travel back and forth between people.

And yes, I mean love - platonic love. People are always afraid to say they love someone else. And people are always afraid to be loved by someone else. But I put it out there. When I find someone worthy of my love and when they receive it with a calm heart, there is no greater joy. I save "like" for those that I see once in a while -- acquaintances, friends over dinners, good co-workers. But loving another human for exactly who they are -- no more and no less -- that is joyful. Truly.

I look back over the last few years. Years where I have met wonderful people, and years where I have been scalded by those I thought were friends. I see who has stuck by me. And it's just a few. But those few are the rare, special birds in my life. The people I seek new friendships with are unique and unusual. They are usually loners and may have overcome many obstacles. Their determination and celebration of life regardless of the situation thrills me and draws me in. If I can bring a sense of happiness and understanding to their life, and if they reciprocate, then I am peaceful.

I have never run with the pack. I have never been comfortable with a big group of "friends." I don't like to compete for attention or affection. I don't judge friends by what others say about them. I want to know someone one on one.

And when they finally unlock a piece of their heart, and offer the key to me, then I am moved. I am grateful and honored. That is like a jewel that has been entrusted to me. And then I am theirs. I will open myself to them. I will trust. I will love. Yes, it is a risk...but as they say, no risk, no reward.

I wish my friends peace tonight and whisper thanks to them for enriching my life.

1 comment:

Jeanne Fortune said...

Christine I LOVE this post!
You are so right about taking the time to develop friendship and the JOY of accepting a person for who they are
I am so glad I have had this opportunity to get to know you and count you as my friend! Thanks!

I know with this insight you’ll have good times ahead